Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Where is God's Grace?

Take this from Mr. Conrad.  He's kinda a weird guy with a lot of sense.  I love the article that's why I am sharing it you now.   He said:

We Christians are unhappy most of the time. Why is that when there's a verse like this...

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor. 12:9)

There's two main parts of the verse that we need to look at. God's grace is sufficient - meaning that's all we need.  

Just think of all the stuff you do all day long, going to school or work, walking around, breathing, watching the Yankees lose, eating the Baconator. God's grace is in each one of those things. Sometimes it might not be obvious because we're so used to it, like the ability to walk, the ability to see, a TV to watch the Yankees lose, money to buy the Baconator, a computer to read this life changing article.  

We lose sight of God's grace because we see it so much. It's like the first time we get our drivers license. At first driving is awesome and fun and a huge thing to be thankful for. Then after a while, we get used to it. Then after a while, it's a chore. It's no longer something we're thankful for, because we do it so often that we don't think about how it's a blessing to be able to drive.  

That happens to us on so many different levels with so many different areas of life. We take God's grace for granted.  

It's like that cliché, "You don't know what you got till it's gone."  

If we didn't take his grace for granted then, we'd be thankful all the time instead of complaining or wishing we had more. That complaining and needing is telling God that His grace isn't sufficient for us, that we need more. I'm lonely. If only I were more financially stable. Blah blah. God, I need more than your grace.  

The second part of that verse goes, "for My strength is made perfect in weakness". Our weaknesses will not hinder God from accomplishing His goals - mainly salvation and ultimate unity with Him.  

We get so caught up in temporal things that we lose sight of the eternal. If life were a basketball game, we focus on when we turn over the ball, or if our teammate is annoying, or how old our uniform looks, if we can afford new shoes - forgetting that we're on God's team and we're leading the game 1,543 to 0 in the third quarter.

God's grace is enough for us. If it doesn't feel like it, then we need to make it a point to find things to be thankful for. Let's stop taking things for granted, and start getting into the habit of constantly thanking God for everything. 


This is very true. What did I tell you about this guy Mr. Conrad?  He's cool and amazing right?  If you're fascinated by this thoughts, see more of him by clicking Mr. Conrad's Site - the

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Rewards of Giving

This time, I would like to share to you a very inspiring article that explains why we need to become more of a GIVER instead of being a TAKER. It says that if we really want to be gain abundance and blessings in life, this is the formula that we should diligently follow. I got this article from my favorite practical true-to-life preacher, Bro. Bo Sanchez.... Hope u enjoy it as much I do... Read on please:

Have You Received The Rewards Of Your Giving?

Like any ordinary boy, my 4-year old Francis sometimes quarrels with his playmates. We hear him shout, “Mine! Mine! Mine!”

So for two years now, we’ve been teaching him how to share his toys. We’ve told him, “Francis, sharing is good!” It’s almost a mantra we repeat to him.

We also remind him of the rewards of sharing. “Francis, if you share your toys with your playmates, you’ll have more fun. You’ll gain more friends. You’ll cry less.”

Yesterday, my wife went with our little boy to eat. He ordered fried chicken and palabok. He then asked his mother, “How about you, Mommy?” My wife was touched, elated that the 4-year old was thinking of her. But then the little guy added, “Mommy, why don’t you order French fries? Then you can share it with me. Remember, sharing is good!”

Yes, sharing is good.

What I tell Francis applies to you too: If you share, you’ll have more fun everyday. You’ll gain more friends. And you’ll cry less! Because I believe many of our problems come from not sharing.

Friends, let me introduce you to one of the most powerful forces in the universe. This one thing will give you miracles, deepen you happiness, enrich your relationships, unite your family, prosper your job and business, make your body healthier, and bring you closer to God…

What could this force be? Hint: It’s the real G Force.

Yesterday, I welcomed again this force into my life…

You Don’t Receive Your Rewards Only Once!

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon playing with my boys.

We drew spaceships, airplanes, and roller coasters. We played a video game. (Can you imagine me, a 43-year old guy, playing with his 4-year old kid, Mariocart? I’m nuts.) And finally, I brought Francis to the barbershop. We didn’t have a car yesterday, so we rode the tricycle together. Francis loved it so much. Every time we passed over a hump, he raised his arms and said, “Wheee!”

When we were in the barbershop, Francis had so much fun getting his haircut, making faces on the mirror, twirling on the barber’s chair, laughing and singing the entire time. He was so happy.

But guess who was happier? The Daddy, of course.

Yesterday, I was generous with my time with the kids. Despite a mountain of work that I had to do (including this article), I put it all aside and spent time with the boys.

Instantly, I receive the reward of my generosity. Just listening to the happy laughter of my kids was music to my soul. It made me feel wonderful. It removed my stress, made me healthier, and refreshed my spirit.

Friends, there is an absolute law written in the fabric of universe. It states, “When you give, you will receive a reward.” Always. No exceptions. Oh yes, there can be delays. Sometimes you’ll have to wait for a long time. But the reward will always come.

And the Bible also says that we will receive more than what we give. Example: In the years to come, I know I’ll receive an even greater reward for spending time with my kids yesterday. Because they’ll grow up to be men secure in their father’s love.

It doesn’t end there. In Heaven, I’ll receive even greater rewards. (More on this next week.)

Let me explain why you get rewards.

Too Full To Receive Anything Better

In my talk yesterday, I showed people a big fishbowl filled with grey stones. It was overflowing with them. I then showed some gold nuggets. (Okay, they really weren’t gold nuggets. They were stones covered with gold paper, but don’t spoil my illustration. Imagine them to be really gold nuggets!)

Even if I wanted to put gold nuggets in the bowl, I couldn’t, because it was already filled with stones.

This is a perfect picture of a selfish person.

God is a generous God. He wants to give us better things. But He can’t do that if there’s no space to receive new and better things in our lives.

I then removed one stone from the bowl. I explained to the audience that the first reward of giving is “space”. And space is beautiful. Space means we can grow.

I placed one gold nugget in the bowl, and explained, “Some people give only a little and so receive only a little. But there are people who give more,” I explained, removing more grey stones from the bowl, “and thus create more space for God’s new blessings.” I quickly filled the bowl with more gold nuggets.

Remember, when we don’t receive much, the problem is not in the Giver. The problem is in the Receiver. The Lord wants to give more to our lives (that’s His default posture), but the Receiver has not created enough space to receive more.

And friends, the universe abhors space. The universe will fill up that space with better things.

But what if you don’t get your rewards?

Real Generosity

One person asked me, “But Bo, I’ve been giving and giving and giving all my life—but I haven’t been receiving my rewards!”

Perhaps because it may not be generosity at all.

You see, there are two types of giving that happens in the world.

1. When we give because we love

2. When we give because we want to be loved

Look. There’s nothing wrong if you want to be loved. It’s your most basic need. But friends, never use generosity as a way of getting love. That’s toxic. You call that co-dependent love and it’s lethal. Pleasing people so that they will love you is slow suicide.

If your “Love Tank” is empty, you need to do two things. First, ask God to love you. And second, love yourself. Unless you learn to be generous to yourself, your generosity will not be real.

My friend Mila (not her real name) was such a woman. She always gave gifts to her friends. Food. Clothes. Flowers. Sometimes, expensive stuff like cellphones and Ipods. People would tell her, “Oh, you’re so generous.” But deep within, I know Mila is one of the most miserable people on earth. She’s constantly depressed. Because she has no true friends. Her friends are there simply because she gives them stuff. People abuse her constantly, asking things from her.

Mila isn’t receiving the rewards of her generosity because she’s not really generous. She is needy.

When you give out of need, you will become even more needy. But if you give out of love, you will receive more love.

Remember the bowl with grey stones? Mila gives away her white stones—creating space in her heart. But because she’s giving out of need and fear and not out of love, misery and bitterness fill up that space she created.

I repeat: Real generosity is giving out of love, which fills our lives with more love.

And let me share with you the biggest reward of generosity.

The Greatest Reward Of Giving

My friend and fellow preacher Arun Gogna just came from Japan. He met a Filipina there who told him a wonderful story.

Years ago, this Filipina married a Japanese man. Her husband was earning very well and asked her to manage his money. So every payday, he gave all of his money to her.

This Filipina loved God and wanted to follow Him in the area of giving. So she gave 10% of her husband’s earnings to the Lord. When the husband—who was an atheist—found out about it, he asked her, “What are you doing with 10% of my salary?” She said, “I give it to my God.” The amazing thing was that he didn’t object at all. He let her be. So she continued to do it every single month.

Here’s the great news: A few years later, this man converted and is now a baptized Catholic. Today, with his wife, he serves in a ministry in a Church in Japan.

What’s so beautiful about this story? Even before he got baptized, he was already generous to a God whom he didn’t fully know.

My point?

Generosity brings you closer to God.

Let me tell you why.

Your Heart Follows Your Treasure

Last year, I bought stocks in Ayala Land.

I noticed that whenever I read the newspaper, I would be very interested to read anything about Ayala Land. I would read their Ads. I would ask people in the industry about what’s happening to this company.

Before I bought stocks in this company, I didn’t give a hoot. I didn’t care. I didn’t read their articles or their ads.

Why the change? Simple: The Bible says that my heart follows my treasure.[1] Wherever my treasure goes, my heart will go there too.

When your money goes to God, your heart goes to Him as well. Yes, even if He really doesn’t need your money.

Tithing Is A Declaration Of

God’s Importance In Your Life

God doesn’t need your money.

But why is it that the Bible says over and over again, “Give the first fruits of your harvest to God”?[2] Yes, God doesn’t need your money, but God wants what your money represents. Money represents value. What do you value the most? When you make God your first expense, you’re saying that God is first in your life.

Tithing is a declaration that all things—including your life—belong to God. The Biblical standard of 10% is a fantastic guideline to follow. When you give 10%, you’re saying that 100% belongs to God. Tithing is your declaration of God’s ownership over your life. God gave all that you own. When you die, you’ll give it all back. So all you have is lent to you. You’re a steward of His assets. As stewards, you use material blessings for His purposes. That’s what you declare when you tithe.

Friends, I invite you to give because you love.

And receive the fantastic rewards of generosity.

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

One Dark Moment of my Life

This is one of the saddest moment that I experienced ever in my whole life.  I lost my father 40 days ago and this is the first death in the family.  Our family is only small.  I am the only son and i have a half sister who is residing in Canada.  That makes us only four.  Then, I have a wife and 2 kids so all in all we're just 7.  And in times like this the loneliness that we're experiencing is really tremendous.  I thank God, that the previous events that happened in my life had been somewhat a preparation for me when this happens.  I'm hurting deeply now, but it's different when you know that God is beside you in your suffering.  The pains becomes more bearable and there is always hope..

Since I consider this as one dark moment of my life, I needed a candle and I found one.  I held on to God's promise.  The good thing about it is God is faithful to his promises and He does not lie.  He's a reliable person: That's what keep me standing strong and go on with  my journey even in this difficult times of my life.

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint"
                                                                                                                    - Isaiah 40: 18-31

Monday, January 26, 2009

I want to Boast.

Today I woke up on the good side of the Bed. I feel so refreshed and so gooood. That makes me feel I want to boast... (just this time, please???)

Okay, here's why... Yesterday, my mood was low... I don't know if it's proper to share this with you but, as of last weekend, it was a weekend full of worries. I got some financial obligations to meet and I was scared and most probably, I would'nt meet the deadline. My wallet was shouting at me so loud telling me to do something or else!!! ... well. it was indeed a terrifying experience. 'Got nowhere to run to and I got nothing much in my pocket! Then I remembered the saying that "YOU'LL NEVER KNOW THAT GOD IS ALL YOU NEED UNTIL YOU REALIZE THAT GOD IS ALL YOU'VE GOT." So that was it last weekend. Then came Sunday, it was time to go to Church. I prayed so hard about my immediate financial problem and put a 100% trust that He'll do something about it. (All these years, I have proven to myself that He's a realiable God. He's always with me good or bad times. yes even during the times when I was bad. That's why I call HIM a friend). Anyway, to cut the story short, today is Tuesday and it is also My Deadline, I received a Check from Fern-C e.g one of my little sidelines, and I can now pay for my financial obligation and still got few extra bucks left for my other minor needs! HERE's the BOASTING PART ---- Friends, I would like you to meet my friend Emmanuel. HE also happens to be My God! He's never late in extending help to me. HE has the specialty of determining WHAT, WHEN and HOW to deliver the kind of help I need. And to show you how magnanimous HE is, try to look at the sky, the billions of stars and universes not to mention the millions of species on earth that he created.... Isn't He BIGTIME?

The next time you encounter hardship, Do not tell God How big your problem is, Tell your Problem How Big our God is.

May your day be blessed.


Emmanuel says thru the Book of Matthew 6 : 31 - 34 NLT

31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God[d] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I've been hearing the word "KARMA" being used in everyday situation. More often, that word pops out in our vocabulary whenever we feel oppressed or disadvantaged by someone. It is a concept that sprang from the cultures of Hindus and Buddhists, that is: " I do the good things I do with a somewhat personal motive - that others may return the goodness, or that life may reward my goodness even more." Aside from knowing today that such word is very UN-FILIPINO, I learned that it is also UN-CHRISTIAN.

One of the realities of life in this world is that there are times, that you'll notice that "LIFE IS NOT FAIR." It is because there will always be people who will take advantage of your innocence or kindness. Be that as it may, We Christians should follow the doctrine of doing "UNCONDITIONAL GOODNESS." I'm not suggesting that we should allow ourselves to be bullied or fooled by anyone. What I'm saying is that we should instead learn from it so that we can avoid such scenario the next time around and more importantly, that should not stop us from doing good things. And that my friend, is a MIRACLE in this modern times. Yes, you can do it. MIRACLES ARE REAL. If you want to see a Miracle, BE THE MIRACLE by doing Good Things to others - without expecting good things in return. Starting today, it's - "KARMA OUT; MIRACLE IN."

Let's make God smile today...

Reference: Book of Matthew 5: 46-48 NLT

46 If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. 47 If you are kind only to your friends,[t] how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. 48 But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect."

Photo by Harven (

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