Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Where is God's Grace?

Take this from Mr. Conrad.  He's kinda a weird guy with a lot of sense.  I love the article that's why I am sharing it you now.   He said:

We Christians are unhappy most of the time. Why is that when there's a verse like this...

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor. 12:9)

There's two main parts of the verse that we need to look at. God's grace is sufficient - meaning that's all we need.  

Just think of all the stuff you do all day long, going to school or work, walking around, breathing, watching the Yankees lose, eating the Baconator. God's grace is in each one of those things. Sometimes it might not be obvious because we're so used to it, like the ability to walk, the ability to see, a TV to watch the Yankees lose, money to buy the Baconator, a computer to read this life changing article.  

We lose sight of God's grace because we see it so much. It's like the first time we get our drivers license. At first driving is awesome and fun and a huge thing to be thankful for. Then after a while, we get used to it. Then after a while, it's a chore. It's no longer something we're thankful for, because we do it so often that we don't think about how it's a blessing to be able to drive.  

That happens to us on so many different levels with so many different areas of life. We take God's grace for granted.  

It's like that cliché, "You don't know what you got till it's gone."  

If we didn't take his grace for granted then, we'd be thankful all the time instead of complaining or wishing we had more. That complaining and needing is telling God that His grace isn't sufficient for us, that we need more. I'm lonely. If only I were more financially stable. Blah blah. God, I need more than your grace.  

The second part of that verse goes, "for My strength is made perfect in weakness". Our weaknesses will not hinder God from accomplishing His goals - mainly salvation and ultimate unity with Him.  

We get so caught up in temporal things that we lose sight of the eternal. If life were a basketball game, we focus on when we turn over the ball, or if our teammate is annoying, or how old our uniform looks, if we can afford new shoes - forgetting that we're on God's team and we're leading the game 1,543 to 0 in the third quarter.

God's grace is enough for us. If it doesn't feel like it, then we need to make it a point to find things to be thankful for. Let's stop taking things for granted, and start getting into the habit of constantly thanking God for everything. 


This is very true. What did I tell you about this guy Mr. Conrad?  He's cool and amazing right?  If you're fascinated by this thoughts, see more of him by clicking Mr. Conrad's Site - the

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